Sitting here watching a talking head show on Fox and there is a blonde bimbo talking at the top of her shrill voiced lungs about how much BO has done to respond to the spill. What baffles me is that it took him 2 weeks to do much of anything. What amazes me is that he has yet to waive the Jones ACT and allow foreign entities to help us CLEAN up the damned mess. The Dutch have dozens of ships designed to scoop exactly this and they offered 4 days after the spill.
What the hell Obama? I get it but a third of the population still does NOT accept the fact that all obama is capable of is talking and directing others. He had no management experience and now has shown why. He is NOT A LEADER. He talks perty and reads really well, but lacks judgement.
Finally, I have to ask, what will it take for the obama supporters to finally realize that they are defending an empty suit? The stimulus did NOT work. Economists agree it did little if anything to slow the recession. Unemployment is and will be hovering around 10% even though your messiah promised a max of 8%. He wants to spend even more? When are you going to wake up folks?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Isn't anyone else getting good and damned tired of the Obama administrations NON RESPONSE to the gulf oil spill. The story after 40 days was that BP said this and BP said that. Well screw BP Mr. President, get off YOUR ASS and do something. Mustre the top scientists from across the world in the GULF, allocate whatever resources they deem necessary and stop the damned leak!
The ineptitude and gross lack of a PLAN on the part of Obama's whitehouse is terrifying. What if some terrorist organization did explode a dirty bomb in DC or NYC? Would Obama's response be to point a scolding finger at the terrorists and say rhetorical bull shit like "I will stand by the victims."
The ineptitude and gross lack of a PLAN on the part of Obama's whitehouse is terrifying. What if some terrorist organization did explode a dirty bomb in DC or NYC? Would Obama's response be to point a scolding finger at the terrorists and say rhetorical bull shit like "I will stand by the victims."
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Watching the news this morning it appears that there is no avoiding the huge slimey black stain about to affect the eastern seaboard, the gulf coast, and most of america either directly or indirectly. The stench from this disaster is already making life miserable for so many of our citizens and the government and those responsible for the mess seem incapable of doing anything constructive to stem the tide of damage. Of course I am not really talking about the oil spill in the Gulf. I am talking about our President and the affect he and his cronies of left wing gerkins are having on the entire system. All of a sudden everything is upside down. Patriotic citizens go out and peacefully exercise their right to free speech and they are labeled as 'violent.' Illegal immigrants by the thousands take to the streets, vandalizing and assautling law enforcement and in the new world order of obamaland it is treated as peaceful protest. Armed Black Panther thugs intimidate and threaten voters in Pennsylvania, are found guilty and then Obama's attorney general overturns the convictions. Obama signs freedom of press legislation yet refuses to hold a press conference and answer questions. The president uses the derrogatory and charged term tea baggers to refer to citizens and no one blinks. The state of Arizona passes immigration law that is very nearly drawn along the same lines as the federal laws and the admin and MSM attack it as racist. Officials take sides without reading the bill. Is it just me or is this some kind of surreal Bizzaro world we all have woke up in? Its time to ask ourselves as a nation, "who are we and what do we stand for?"
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Its a laugh Riot! They condemn it but dont read it.
I find it amazing that the Obama administration and the POTUS himself are crusading against the AZ immigration law when they haven't even read it! HOW ironic to attack a 10 page law that you haven't read after forcing through congress a 2100 page bill that NO ONE read. The hypocrisy is mind numbing.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Call OUT the FBI, God Came to School Today!
An interesting thing happened that most likely warrants the attention of the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security Department. A good friend of mine was relaying an interaction she had with one of her high school students. She teaches Home Economics in a small rural school here in the deep south. Apparently the young man had been quite a handful and enjoyed testing the waters so to speak on a daily basis in her classroom. She told of how he had come to her during a break and informed her that he had been "Saved" and that he was sorry for all the trouble he had caused her. Now imagine that! A dubious thing like christianity interferring with a young citizen's right to be a total ass in school. I personally believe that the President should immediately start an inquiry and Congress should hold hearings What in the world would happen to our Nanny State God actually got back into the lives of our children and we had to stop making excuses for disrespectful behaviors.
The end times, it must be the end times!
The end times, it must be the end times!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Has the Press committed Suicide?
It occurred to me this morning while watching one of the talking head shows on broadcast TV that the main stream media has essentially committed suicide. Not the intentional take a short step off of a tall building kind of suicide but a much more painful and slow method. By taking every opportunity to paint the former POTUS in a negative light, they set a standard for themselves of 'standing up for the little guy' and revealing all the truths, ugly and otherwise about Bush. Now however, with an enigma of a president that they whole heartedly helped to put in office essentially making a mess of EVERY major decision he is faced with, the silence of the media makes a mockery of them. When Bush's administration took 3 days to actually react to a Hurricane, all the left wing 'yellow' journalists screamed from the mountain tops "He should have been prepared! Where is President Bush?" Now that we have a man made disaster in the form of the oil spill, all we get regarding Obama's impotence in reacting to the catastrophe is tumble weeds and crickets chirping.
This paints the press at ABC, NBC, CBS et al as exactly what they are and even the dimmest of wits in the population can finally see it, they are mouth pieces for the liberal social machine that put Obama in office. It no longer requires a college education to understand that the networks ARE LYING to us and have been. It doesnt require a microscope to see the moral equivalency that the press uses to SPIN whatever events are occurring to help the Obama administration. It is this new paradigm of understanding that has lead the FOX network (an obviously Right leaning news organization) to experience tremendous growth while the others are losing viewers/readers/etc at record rates. The ultimate Irony however, is that the anti capitalists running the press in this country are making millionaires and even billionaires out of the Right wing pundits on FOX. America has come to realize that Fox is right wing but as CLOSE to unbiased as you can get. America has also come to realize that you CANNOT trust ANYTHING reported (spun) by the other networks. The Silence on Obama's erratic, inefficient, totally empty response to the Gulf Oil spill is deafening. It is deafening all reasonable and normal people to the rants and raves of the leftist machine that is the MSM. Its NOT the teaparties destroying the liberal press. They are destroying themselves. I for one will dance a little jig to celebrate their demise for the damage they have done to our nation is far reaching.
This paints the press at ABC, NBC, CBS et al as exactly what they are and even the dimmest of wits in the population can finally see it, they are mouth pieces for the liberal social machine that put Obama in office. It no longer requires a college education to understand that the networks ARE LYING to us and have been. It doesnt require a microscope to see the moral equivalency that the press uses to SPIN whatever events are occurring to help the Obama administration. It is this new paradigm of understanding that has lead the FOX network (an obviously Right leaning news organization) to experience tremendous growth while the others are losing viewers/readers/etc at record rates. The ultimate Irony however, is that the anti capitalists running the press in this country are making millionaires and even billionaires out of the Right wing pundits on FOX. America has come to realize that Fox is right wing but as CLOSE to unbiased as you can get. America has also come to realize that you CANNOT trust ANYTHING reported (spun) by the other networks. The Silence on Obama's erratic, inefficient, totally empty response to the Gulf Oil spill is deafening. It is deafening all reasonable and normal people to the rants and raves of the leftist machine that is the MSM. Its NOT the teaparties destroying the liberal press. They are destroying themselves. I for one will dance a little jig to celebrate their demise for the damage they have done to our nation is far reaching.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Some Days, its impossible to be a curmudgeon

Given the glorious cool spring day here in NC, and the wonderful day spent enjoying the weather and the ride, its just simply impossible to find anything to complain about today. Sure the country is still bounding straight the hell with Obama at the helm, but I just can't mustre enough energy to fuss. Enjoy the day. Tomorrow being monday will surely put the growl back in the growler....
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Immorality of Social Justice
The new liberal buzz word that is supposed to excuse every socialist move that Obama Administration makes is ironically called "Social Justice." It is based on the theory that society at large has a moral obligation to provide all members of that society with certain benefits, entitlements, and priviledge. It is my position that Social Justice is indeed not only unamerican, but in fact immoral and destructive to humanity.
I do agree that any civilized society has an obligation to care for the elderly, the disabled, the very young, and those citizens that due to personal circumstance are unable to care for themselves. This is basic humanity but unfortunately the progressives have taken this moral imperative and corrupted it and used it to ever increase the grasp of government in all of our lives.
Let's look at the welfare system that sprung forth from the civil rights movement of the 60's. While the best of intentions were the basis for the system, we only have to look at what it has evolved into and the negative impact it has had on countless lives to realize it is a system failed. In reality this program which was designed to give underpriviledged equal access to education, employment, decent housing, etc has become a form of slavery for America's poor. How can anyone justify a system where three and even four generations have lived entire lives 'on welfare'. How can anyone state that taking away people's motivation to succeed in educational endeavours is not in a very real way stealing a piece of their humanity. Visit any major city in the US and inquire of local law enforcement as to what are the most dangerous sections of town, and invariably you find they point out the gov't funded housing projects. These 'homes' have become nothing more than prisons holding generation after generation to a breed to get more money lifestyle. And what of the children born into these cultures? How many are encouraged to take advantage of the costly public education system? How many are taught from an early age that drug use/sales is an appropriate way of life? How many young poor women are indoctrinated to be ghetto breeders who's business is making babies to increase the monthly gov't check? Of course I am not painting all peoples living in these circumstance by the same brush, but isnt it true for the vast majority? How many success stories in our naiton come from the middle class or upper class and how many come from this 'do what feels good, the gov't owes us a living' culture. Aside from aspirations to become professional athletes, there is little to motivate people to move out of this system. The recent rape of a 7 year old in NJ inside a gov't welfare high rise gives witness to the abyss that this group of people have sunk into.
Another example of this ''social justice' gone bad is perversion of equal opportunity in the form of scholarship and college admissions. How does a society gain in quality or success when the best candidate for admission to our colleges is often passed over in the name of 'racial equality.' Not only does this steal opportunity from those that work hard in school and make the choices most beneficial to society at large, but it also paints the 'recipient' of such aswards as less worthy. This is a double edge sword wounding those selected and those rejected based on race only. The same holds true for hiring practices with similar criterial. I personally overheard a Human Resources Director state that today "We are hiring black women" so as to stay inside the misguided criteria set forth by affirmative action. I had two small children and a mortgage at the time. I was both physically and experientially more qualified, yet the company did indeed hire based on race. Where is the Justice in this? Do my children have less of a right to eat than those of other races or cultures? I think not. And what does this do to the company doing the hiring? It places less qualified and less capable people in positions, thus making the labor overhead less effective. There is not justice in these practices.
Yet another position of Social Justice has been taken by the liberal left and the Obama administration. With the passage of the Health Care bill, rightly named "Obamacare", there is yet another set of entitlements that people will not have to work for. Someone else will of course be paying thier way. Is that justice? To make the hard working taxpayers of this country slaves to the gov't to pay for those unwilling to earn their own living is no justice at all.
Social justice is a concept that is poisoning our population with a 'give me a hand out' mentality and making us weaker as a people. It steals ambition and motivation from those that should be working for their own welfare and replaces it with a despicable covert form of slavery instead. It steals the harvest from those that strive to take care of their own families and to prosper and 'redistributes' it to those unwilling and too lazy to earn a living. Can anyone really justify that everyone's cell phone bill includes a tax to provide cell phones to the welfare types? Is a cell phone truly a need or more of a want? Of course its not an essential need. Its more of this progressive 'social justice' crap. And why are there three generations of families living off the gov't dime? If this system of uplifting the poor had worked, wouldn't they eventually be off the system's teat?
Social Justice is a lie and all the support it are merely socialists in sheep's clothing. Make no mistake our new president and the Democrats in congress have proven beyond a doubt with their Health Care scam. They are socialists and they want YOU working for them and not yourselves.
I do agree that any civilized society has an obligation to care for the elderly, the disabled, the very young, and those citizens that due to personal circumstance are unable to care for themselves. This is basic humanity but unfortunately the progressives have taken this moral imperative and corrupted it and used it to ever increase the grasp of government in all of our lives.
Let's look at the welfare system that sprung forth from the civil rights movement of the 60's. While the best of intentions were the basis for the system, we only have to look at what it has evolved into and the negative impact it has had on countless lives to realize it is a system failed. In reality this program which was designed to give underpriviledged equal access to education, employment, decent housing, etc has become a form of slavery for America's poor. How can anyone justify a system where three and even four generations have lived entire lives 'on welfare'. How can anyone state that taking away people's motivation to succeed in educational endeavours is not in a very real way stealing a piece of their humanity. Visit any major city in the US and inquire of local law enforcement as to what are the most dangerous sections of town, and invariably you find they point out the gov't funded housing projects. These 'homes' have become nothing more than prisons holding generation after generation to a breed to get more money lifestyle. And what of the children born into these cultures? How many are encouraged to take advantage of the costly public education system? How many are taught from an early age that drug use/sales is an appropriate way of life? How many young poor women are indoctrinated to be ghetto breeders who's business is making babies to increase the monthly gov't check? Of course I am not painting all peoples living in these circumstance by the same brush, but isnt it true for the vast majority? How many success stories in our naiton come from the middle class or upper class and how many come from this 'do what feels good, the gov't owes us a living' culture. Aside from aspirations to become professional athletes, there is little to motivate people to move out of this system. The recent rape of a 7 year old in NJ inside a gov't welfare high rise gives witness to the abyss that this group of people have sunk into.
Another example of this ''social justice' gone bad is perversion of equal opportunity in the form of scholarship and college admissions. How does a society gain in quality or success when the best candidate for admission to our colleges is often passed over in the name of 'racial equality.' Not only does this steal opportunity from those that work hard in school and make the choices most beneficial to society at large, but it also paints the 'recipient' of such aswards as less worthy. This is a double edge sword wounding those selected and those rejected based on race only. The same holds true for hiring practices with similar criterial. I personally overheard a Human Resources Director state that today "We are hiring black women" so as to stay inside the misguided criteria set forth by affirmative action. I had two small children and a mortgage at the time. I was both physically and experientially more qualified, yet the company did indeed hire based on race. Where is the Justice in this? Do my children have less of a right to eat than those of other races or cultures? I think not. And what does this do to the company doing the hiring? It places less qualified and less capable people in positions, thus making the labor overhead less effective. There is not justice in these practices.
Yet another position of Social Justice has been taken by the liberal left and the Obama administration. With the passage of the Health Care bill, rightly named "Obamacare", there is yet another set of entitlements that people will not have to work for. Someone else will of course be paying thier way. Is that justice? To make the hard working taxpayers of this country slaves to the gov't to pay for those unwilling to earn their own living is no justice at all.
Social justice is a concept that is poisoning our population with a 'give me a hand out' mentality and making us weaker as a people. It steals ambition and motivation from those that should be working for their own welfare and replaces it with a despicable covert form of slavery instead. It steals the harvest from those that strive to take care of their own families and to prosper and 'redistributes' it to those unwilling and too lazy to earn a living. Can anyone really justify that everyone's cell phone bill includes a tax to provide cell phones to the welfare types? Is a cell phone truly a need or more of a want? Of course its not an essential need. Its more of this progressive 'social justice' crap. And why are there three generations of families living off the gov't dime? If this system of uplifting the poor had worked, wouldn't they eventually be off the system's teat?
Social Justice is a lie and all the support it are merely socialists in sheep's clothing. Make no mistake our new president and the Democrats in congress have proven beyond a doubt with their Health Care scam. They are socialists and they want YOU working for them and not yourselves.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Amazing times in US History
Just a few things that occurred to me today:
We have a president that refuses to show his Birth Certificate or any Academic records making the US Constitution irrelevant by the day.
We have a president that has only 140 or so days in the US Senate as his ENTIRE RESUME of experience making these decisions.
We have a president who's wife recently recanted the trip they took to his 'home' land of Kenya and the MSM's didnt even blink.
We have a president that never really worked a day in his life in a genuine job making decisions for 300 million plus.
We have a Democratically controlled congress that is not only arrogant enough to push a Health Care Scam through against the will of the electorate, but doing so by making back room deals in the daylight.
We have a president that pledged to support campaign financing but then used 800 million in mystery money to buy the election.
We have a president that equates 'social justice' with redistributing the proceeds of the hard working few to give away to the non working many.
We have a president that claims to be a christian but spends more time singing praise to allah and muslims.
We have a media machine that is so slanted and incapable of telling any semblance of the truth that they are dying on a daily basis, yet they cling to the liberal left wingers?
We have a new congressional mandate making us buy a product.
What has happened to you America? Where are your values?
We have a president that refuses to show his Birth Certificate or any Academic records making the US Constitution irrelevant by the day.
We have a president that has only 140 or so days in the US Senate as his ENTIRE RESUME of experience making these decisions.
We have a president who's wife recently recanted the trip they took to his 'home' land of Kenya and the MSM's didnt even blink.
We have a president that never really worked a day in his life in a genuine job making decisions for 300 million plus.
We have a Democratically controlled congress that is not only arrogant enough to push a Health Care Scam through against the will of the electorate, but doing so by making back room deals in the daylight.
We have a president that pledged to support campaign financing but then used 800 million in mystery money to buy the election.
We have a president that equates 'social justice' with redistributing the proceeds of the hard working few to give away to the non working many.
We have a president that claims to be a christian but spends more time singing praise to allah and muslims.
We have a media machine that is so slanted and incapable of telling any semblance of the truth that they are dying on a daily basis, yet they cling to the liberal left wingers?
We have a new congressional mandate making us buy a product.
What has happened to you America? Where are your values?
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