Just a few things that occurred to me today:
We have a president that refuses to show his Birth Certificate or any Academic records making the US Constitution irrelevant by the day.
We have a president that has only 140 or so days in the US Senate as his ENTIRE RESUME of experience making these decisions.
We have a president who's wife recently recanted the trip they took to his 'home' land of Kenya and the MSM's didnt even blink.
We have a president that never really worked a day in his life in a genuine job making decisions for 300 million plus.
We have a Democratically controlled congress that is not only arrogant enough to push a Health Care Scam through against the will of the electorate, but doing so by making back room deals in the daylight.
We have a president that pledged to support campaign financing but then used 800 million in mystery money to buy the election.
We have a president that equates 'social justice' with redistributing the proceeds of the hard working few to give away to the non working many.
We have a president that claims to be a christian but spends more time singing praise to allah and muslims.
We have a media machine that is so slanted and incapable of telling any semblance of the truth that they are dying on a daily basis, yet they cling to the liberal left wingers?
We have a new congressional mandate making us buy a product.
What has happened to you America? Where are your values?
They've been gone for a long long time.