Sunday, June 13, 2010

It takes 2 months to respond to a disaster?

Sitting here watching a talking head show on Fox and there is a blonde bimbo talking at the top of her shrill voiced lungs about how much BO has done to respond to the spill. What baffles me is that it took him 2 weeks to do much of anything. What amazes me is that he has yet to waive the Jones ACT and allow foreign entities to help us CLEAN up the damned mess. The Dutch have dozens of ships designed to scoop exactly this and they offered 4 days after the spill.

What the hell Obama? I get it but a third of the population still does NOT accept the fact that all obama is capable of is talking and directing others. He had no management experience and now has shown why. He is NOT A LEADER. He talks perty and reads really well, but lacks judgement.

Finally, I have to ask, what will it take for the obama supporters to finally realize that they are defending an empty suit? The stimulus did NOT work. Economists agree it did little if anything to slow the recession. Unemployment is and will be hovering around 10% even though your messiah promised a max of 8%. He wants to spend even more? When are you going to wake up folks?

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