Sunday, May 16, 2010

Has the Press committed Suicide?

It occurred to me this morning while watching one of the talking head shows on broadcast TV that the main stream media has essentially committed suicide. Not the intentional take a short step off of a tall building kind of suicide but a much more painful and slow method. By taking every opportunity to paint the former POTUS in a negative light, they set a standard for themselves of 'standing up for the little guy' and revealing all the truths, ugly and otherwise about Bush. Now however, with an enigma of a president that they whole heartedly helped to put in office essentially making a mess of EVERY major decision he is faced with, the silence of the media makes a mockery of them. When Bush's administration took 3 days to actually react to a Hurricane, all the left wing 'yellow' journalists screamed from the mountain tops "He should have been prepared! Where is President Bush?" Now that we have a man made disaster in the form of the oil spill, all we get regarding Obama's impotence in reacting to the catastrophe is tumble weeds and crickets chirping.
This paints the press at ABC, NBC, CBS et al as exactly what they are and even the dimmest of wits in the population can finally see it, they are mouth pieces for the liberal social machine that put Obama in office. It no longer requires a college education to understand that the networks ARE LYING to us and have been. It doesnt require a microscope to see the moral equivalency that the press uses to SPIN whatever events are occurring to help the Obama administration. It is this new paradigm of understanding that has lead the FOX network (an obviously Right leaning news organization) to experience tremendous growth while the others are losing viewers/readers/etc at record rates. The ultimate Irony however, is that the anti capitalists running the press in this country are making millionaires and even billionaires out of the Right wing pundits on FOX. America has come to realize that Fox is right wing but as CLOSE to unbiased as you can get. America has also come to realize that you CANNOT trust ANYTHING reported (spun) by the other networks. The Silence on Obama's erratic, inefficient, totally empty response to the Gulf Oil spill is deafening. It is deafening all reasonable and normal people to the rants and raves of the leftist machine that is the MSM. Its NOT the teaparties destroying the liberal press. They are destroying themselves. I for one will dance a little jig to celebrate their demise for the damage they have done to our nation is far reaching.


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